Quick & Dirty Hammering of PowerDNS
Originally published July 24th, 2012
PowerDNS is a cool DNS server I’ve been looking at for a while now.
It’s known mainly for having a very good security history, being fast and efficient, and being easy to configure & extend. My take is, it is to bind as Nginx is to Apache — a newer generation of simpler, more efficient software.
My initial scoping out vs. bind9:
BIND9PDNSGeoPatch or
Shell Scripts
http://code.google.com/p/bind-geoip/Yes — module
http://doc.powerdns.com/geo.htmlCentOS reposYepYepUbuntu reposYepYepPersonnel ExperienceSomeLessConfig ComplexityMore ComplexLess ComplexChrootableYesYesDB BackendsYes
Requires recompile afaik
http://mysql-bind.sourceforge.net/Yes — module
http://doc.powerdns.com/configuring-db-connection.htmlManagement ConsoleText or SQL clientText or SQL clientManagement GUIWebminYes
Simplest, poweradmin in reposExtensibilityCould not find — may have?Easy
Notable usersManyWikipedia
Deutsche Telekom
Verizon (Europe)
YahooUsage & SupportVery Good
Mailing list archive June 2012
224 messages
Pretty Good
Mailing list archive June 2012
57 messages
http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2012-July/date.html#startSecurity historyBad
Very good
Cache poisoning advisory in 2008 which was fixed in 2006
DOS in Jan 2012 (notified & fixed same time by creators)
Only mention on CERT is as “not affected”Mentions on HNhttp://www.hnsearch.com/search#request/all&q=bind+dns&start=0
OK so it’s probably biased because PDNS is the New Thing.
Still, seems like a goer.
Wanted to do some quick and dirty benchmarking of it.
Wrote a quick script to ask it for random hosts, for which it is authoritative, nonstop over a minute:
echo “Digging for 1 minute”
sleep 1
ts_cur=`date +%s`
ts_fin=`echo $ts_cur + ${mins} \* 60 | bc`
#echo $ts_fin
while [ $ts_fin -gt $ts_cur ] ; do
ts_cur=`date +%s`
let count+=1
dig ${RANDOM}.mydomain.com @my_pdns_server
echo “$count digs done”
exit 0
Couldn’t get measurable load running on 5 hosts
(4 of which were on the same network as the pdns server).
So ran 4 backgrounded instances of it at once on each.
Server was a VM
CentOS 6.2 on Dual Xeon E5640 with 32gb ram (though ram hardly came into it)
PDNS install vanilla, no config/caching changes, MySQL backend.
Got load to about 1/16 with estimated 4000rps
So perhaps 100% load at around 64k rps. Pretty damn good.
As mentioned though, pretty unsophisticated benchmark and config.
Some things I’d like to try with more time:
- Actually populate the A records with heaps of random hostnames, some of which would match requests
- Measure response/fails
- Tweak the host requests to max
- Tweak config of pdns
For time being I’m going with it, looks like a winner to me.
Stefan Schmidt February 1, 2013 at 7:29 AM
Let me suggest Nominums dnsperf for Performance Testing. http://www.nominum.com/support/measurement-tools/
However it must be said that results greatly depend on configuration and working set. I.e. if the cache is warmed up or not.