Quick & Dirty Hammering of PowerDNS

Nick Doyle
2 min readJul 24, 2018


Originally published July 24th, 2012

PowerDNS is a cool DNS server I’ve been looking at for a while now.
It’s known mainly for having a very good security history, being fast and efficient, and being easy to configure & extend. My take is, it is to bind as Nginx is to Apache — a newer generation of simpler, more efficient software.

My initial scoping out vs. bind9:

BIND9PDNSGeoPatch or
Shell Scripts

http://code.google.com/p/bind-geoip/Yes — module

http://doc.powerdns.com/geo.htmlCentOS reposYepYepUbuntu reposYepYepPersonnel ExperienceSomeLessConfig ComplexityMore ComplexLess ComplexChrootableYesYesDB BackendsYes
Requires recompile afaik

http://mysql-bind.sourceforge.net/Yes — module

http://doc.powerdns.com/configuring-db-connection.htmlManagement ConsoleText or SQL clientText or SQL clientManagement GUIWebminYes
Simplest, poweradmin in repos
ExtensibilityCould not find — may have?Easy



Notable usersManyWikipedia
Deutsche Telekom
Verizon (Europe)
YahooUsage & SupportVery Good

Mailing list archive June 2012
224 messages
Pretty Good

Mailing list archive June 2012
57 messages
http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2012-July/date.html#startSecurity historyBad

Very good

Cache poisoning advisory in 2008 which was fixed in 2006

DOS in Jan 2012 (notified & fixed same time by creators)

Only mention on CERT is as “not affected”Mentions on HNhttp://www.hnsearch.com/search#request/all&q=bind+dns&start=0

OK so it’s probably biased because PDNS is the New Thing.

Still, seems like a goer.

Wanted to do some quick and dirty benchmarking of it.

Wrote a quick script to ask it for random hosts, for which it is authoritative, nonstop over a minute:


echo “Digging for 1 minute”

sleep 1


ts_cur=`date +%s`

ts_fin=`echo $ts_cur + ${mins} \* 60 | bc`

#echo $ts_fin


while [ $ts_fin -gt $ts_cur ] ; do

ts_cur=`date +%s`

let count+=1

dig ${RANDOM}.mydomain.com @my_pdns_server


echo “$count digs done”

exit 0

Couldn’t get measurable load running on 5 hosts

(4 of which were on the same network as the pdns server).

So ran 4 backgrounded instances of it at once on each.

Server was a VM

CentOS 6.2 on Dual Xeon E5640 with 32gb ram (though ram hardly came into it)

PDNS install vanilla, no config/caching changes, MySQL backend.

Got load to about 1/16 with estimated 4000rps

So perhaps 100% load at around 64k rps. Pretty damn good.

As mentioned though, pretty unsophisticated benchmark and config.

Some things I’d like to try with more time:

  • Actually populate the A records with heaps of random hostnames, some of which would match requests
  • Measure response/fails
  • Tweak the host requests to max
  • Tweak config of pdns

For time being I’m going with it, looks like a winner to me.


Stefan Schmidt February 1, 2013 at 7:29 AM

Let me suggest Nominums dnsperf for Performance Testing. http://www.nominum.com/support/measurement-tools/
However it must be said that results greatly depend on configuration and working set. I.e. if the cache is warmed up or not.



Nick Doyle
Nick Doyle

Written by Nick Doyle

Cloud-Security-Agile, in Melbourne Australia, experience includes writing profanity-laced Perl, surprise Migrations, furious DB Admin and Motorcycle instructing

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